
New Covenant is committed to:

NCCS Mission

To assist Christian parents in training their children to KNOW God intimately, GROW as lifelong learners, and SOW God’s Kingdom presence wherever He plants them.

NCCS Vision

To launch generations of world-changers who actively set their hope in God, “understand the times,” and are prepared to do whatever God directs.

Worship - Family - Identity

Worship, Family, and Identity are New Covenant’s core operating principles, summarizing Christ’s command to love God, our neighbors, and ourselves. In the videos below, school parents and students describe how these three principles have impacted their families through NCCS.

Worship: Our Relationship with God

In Scripture, the word “worship” can also be interpreted as “adoration,” “work,” or “service.” In this, one can see that worship is more than a feeling; it is a lifestyle. John 4:24 points out two important aspects of worship: “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.” To worship God in spirit can include the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, while worshiping God in truth can include points of doctrine and desiring His Word.

This attitude of worship is created through culture. Culture is everywhere, shaping people’s desires. At New Covenant, we are very intentional in creating a school culture that is symbolic and aesthetic, thereby directing hearts toward worshipping God. 

Family: Our Relationship with Others

New Covenant is more than an organization; it is a family that includes staff, students, parents, alumni, and others uniting together to disciple children. 1 Corinthians 12:12 sets the foundation for our school family: “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” Paul refers to a unity and diversity apparent in any body.

At New Covenant, we celebrate both these aspects in our school body: unity under Christ and through our purpose; and diversity in gifts, callings, and expressions. With Christ as our model, grace, reconciliation, service, and sacrifice are some aspects that help keep our school family together. 

Identity: Our Relationship with Self

Our identities as God’s image-bearers carry several assumptions. First, every human being has innate worth. Second, every person carries the potential to develop God-given qualities. Third, differences are not inherently bad. And fourth, every person has purpose. Given these truths, our teachers understand that their role is not to write upon a blank slate of human nature. Rather, they are to help draw out of each student what God has placed within, thereby encouraging diverse gifts and callings.

Another level of identity comes from our nature as heirs of God and brothers and sisters of Christ (Rom. 8:17). This is true of our covenant children as much as it is for adults. Thus, students at New Covenant are treated with honor and given the ability to make choices free from fear, guilt, and shame – and take personal responsibility for bad choices. While this looks different at various grade and maturity levels, New Covenant attempts to recognize the royal, imago Dei nature of every individual within our school family.  


Chapel serves as our central time to worship together as a school family. It happens every Wednesday from 8:40-9:30. Students have traditionally led worship and a short message is given. Parents and family members are always welcome to join! 

New Covenant’s Worship Night is an opportunity to join together with local churches to worship God! We invite various local church worship teams to lead the music for the evening. This is a great time to recognize God’s unifying power throughout the city of Lansing. 

The fall Talent Show is an evening filled with joy and laughter as we celebrate the unique gifts God has given to our students! 

The senior class organizes and leads a one-day retreat with the middle school students. The morning is committed to leadership training and discussing the vision of the school, while the afternoon is spent building relationships through fun activities. 

The senior class organizes and leads Retreat Week, which takes place at Grace Adventures in Mears, Michigan. This is a powerful time of spiritual commitment to God and relational connection between the high school students, serving as an example of how we are committed to fostering discipleship, worship, and a Christ-centered culture. 

Our elementary students prepare and present a Christmas Program. It is a great time for the entire school family to celebrate the Christmas season and fellowship together!

In October, the high school students spend a day to serve the community. 

On Valentine’s Day weekend, our seniors prepare food and entertainment for a night of fun and fellowship. This formal event also contains a silent auction. 

This formal event offers an opportunity for dads to enjoy and celebrate their daughters. There are desserts, games, photographs, and… dancing!

For Spirit Week, the senior class chooses a theme for each day of the week, culminating with a school colors day on Friday and a homecoming event Friday night that joins together students, alumni, and families.

On the Wednesday morning before Mother’s Day, we take time to honor our mothers. They are invited to join their children in chapel, which is followed by tea, gifts, and fellowship.

Every Spring, our students gain sponsors to serve the community by getting a local park ready for the year ahead. This events proves that hard work is a great means to relational growth. 

Every year, the junior class prepares and presents an evening of celebration for the seniors. It is a formal event with food and entertainment. The senior parents join in as well by reading letters of appreciation to their children in what becomes a very memorable evening for all involved. 

Senior Trip is the culmination of the New Covenant program. The senior class prays about where they can go to serve another community. They fundraise for the event and plan the details. Through this, the seniors grow in leadership skills, responsibility, and 

Graduation is a special event for our seniors, who each give a speech for the event. Staff, parents, and students come together to honor our graduates. 

The Classical Model of Education

The classical model of education focuses on reading, thinking, writing, and speaking well. Through the grammar, logic, and rhetoric stages (known as the Trivium), students are guided through the process of learning at their natural levels of progression. Throughout this model, New Covenant Christian School places Scripture as the foundation of all truth and reason, represented in both the living and active Person of Christ and the Word of God.

With the completion of the Trivium, students will have mastered the real tools of learning – fundamental building blocks, analytical skills, mental discipline, oral presentation, writing skills, and a Biblical framework. They should be enthusiastic, independent learners, able to tackle virtually any new area of study competently and from a distinctly Biblical and Christian worldview. At New Covenant Christian School, we seek to restore and employ this time-proven method in the education of the student.

For more information on the classical model of education, please read Dorothy Sayers’ famous address, “The Lost Tools of Learning.”

Grammar Stage:

In the Grammar Stage (ages 5-11), there is a study of fundamentals of various disciplines in order to build a body of core knowledge. This knowledge can be applied toward the development of a student's reasoning and expression capabilities in the context of a Christian worldview. Questions of who, what, when, and where are the focus.

Logic Stage:

In the Logic Stage (ages 12-14), the data of grammar is put into ordered relationships. Formal and informal logic are taught, teaching the student how to analyze arguments, distinguish facts and fallacies, and think according to the rules of logic. Questions of how and why are thoroughly addressed.

Rhetoric Level:

In the Rhetoric Stage (ages 15-18), students make use of the previous stages to articulate persuasive and cogent written and oral arguments, all in the context of a biblical worldview.